As an experienced tax attorney, it didn’t take long for Marc Seyburn to see the significant need for the appropriate structure and related compliance for a one-of-a-kind unique industry that is new to the State of Michigan’s economy.
With all the hype and focus on the ability to become “legal” by obtaining one or more of the 5 licenses:
Many people fail to do the proper planning, which must be done before applying for a license. Otherwise, your federal tax liability will be crippling and you may pay all of your profit in taxes or at least pay well over the normal marginal rates. We are NOT a licensing firm and we may decide not to work with potential clients who do not have experienced licensing counsel with proper credentials.
Typically, our services in the cannabis industry is contractual thru Tax Help Compliance, LLC, an affiliate with a specialty on the cannabis industry in Michigan, unlike most business transactions that close and then operate without much thought to how the structure must be maintained. Which is why Seyburn Law stated its relationship with THC, which provides compliance oversight to maintain structure.